A Happy Belated St. Patrick’s Day to Everyone!
What was once a holiday dedicated to the harmless fun of binge-drinking without remorse is now an annual trotting-out of baseball, basketball and hockey teams in green uniforms (as well as the whole binge-drinking bit); excluding the Oakland A’s, nine teams across the three active major leagues donned the green duds in one form or another this year, let’s take a look starting with Major League Baseball:

The New York Mets wore a green cap featuring their mascot Mr. Met dressed as a leprechaun, hey, at least they’re trying something different

The NBA’s usual St. Patricks Day teams participated again this season, the Boston Celtics (accordingly) look the best of the bunch in their beautiful green and gold uniform:

My favourite participant in the St. Patricks Day uniform game is a new addition to the field, they did it last year and they’re doing it again tonight (March 18th), it’s your New Jersey Devils wearing their 1980s red and green throwback uniforms – below is a pic from last year:

Notice Marty Brodeur wearing his rookie season mask? Love the attention to detail.
That’s it for this year, hopefully we’ll see some more teams having fun with this promotion (like the Mets and Devils) next season.