The big day has come and gone, Santa has paid his visits leaving all sorts of treasures along the way.
Among those treasures, for the sports fan out there, is usually some team merchandise – whether it be something small like pyjamas, a pair of socks or a toothbrush, or if you’re lucky getting a team jersey – which growing up for me was the excitement equivilent of winning the lottery.
As one would expect, the older I get the amount of logo’d Christmas gifts I receive dwindles – it’s one of the drawbacks of aging. Sometimes I just can’t wait so I go out and splurge on the newest merchandise before December rolls around leaving fewer options for my friends and loved ones to get for me.
My big sports gift this year was courtesy my wife, knowing exactly what I like she made me an AL East standings board which I can update throughout the seasons. She even put the Blue Jays in first place for me, ain’t she somethin’? Just another reason to look forward to opening day next spring.

Yesterday I wrote a blog asking you guys, the readers, to send in pics and tell some stories about your sports logo related Christmas gifts. Here’s some of the photos and stories that were sent in to me, if you didn’t get yours in to me please feel free to add them to the comments below this post so we can see what you got!
Thanks to all those who sent in pics – Merry Christmas!
Toronto’s Ian (@bluejayhunter) who runs the blog The Blue Jay Hunter sent in this pic of his new Toronto Blue Jays replica alternate jersey:

New Jersey’s Scott Modrzynski (@FoogosArt) famous for his food+logos art creations at as well as the weekly Foogos Friday column here at SportsLogos.Net was the lucky recipient of this Charlestown Chiefs jersey from the movie Slapshot:

One of the guys who run the San Diego Padres fan blog Woe, Doctor! (@woedoctor) tweeted in this Cooperstown Classic they found under their tree Christmas morning exclaiming “Santa knows best”, indeed he does!
Columbus Blue Jacket fan Douglas Malicote (@KingNexus16) from Lebanon, Ohio sent in this pic of his Teemu Selanne customized Winnipeg Jets jersey:

Niagara, Ontario’s Eric Epp (@eric_epp) was just one of many to score some swag featuring the new Blue Jays logo on it, this beer mug was courtesy his wife:
Commenter R&R Dad got some retro Minnesota Timberwolves merch this year: “While I can’t claim that the T-Wolves are my favorite NBA team, I am a big fan of their original logo. I was quite happy after opening this gift courtesy of my wife.”:
San Jose’s Anthony D’Amico (@wgbaseball2) shares this great story as well as a pic of his Christmas gift: “Living in San Jose, CA….I doubt too many people have a Montreal Canadiens sweatshirt in their closet this year. I asked my parents for a San Jose Sharks sweatshirt, but like what happened to you Chris, my Dad thought it would be much cooler if I had something that no other 18-year old would have down here in San Jose, CA…..and boy was he right. I absolutely love it! The more random the better! Can’t wait to wear it to a Habs-Sharks game.”:
Barney Gomez (@srperezpolanco) from Mexico sends us his Christmas greetings in his brand-new Miami Dolphins cap, nicely done Barney:
Doogie (@doogie2k) from Canada had a great Christmas haul including a Patrick Roy Montreal Canadiens jersey, some older Edmonton Oilers jersey patches and a bevy of Belleville Bulls OHL merchandise, but it was this super-rare IHL Atlanta Knights jersey that I chose to showcase to you:
Bryan Bota (@bryan_bota) out of London, Ontario struck the authentic motherlode for Blue Jays fans scoring both an authentic 2012 road jersey as well as an authentic game cap, wear it proud Bryan:
Chicago’s Tom O’Grady (@TOGradyChicago) got a classic Starter jacket (remember when those were the must-have?) from a team we haven’t heard from much in the last few years, the NFL’s late, great Houston Oilers:
Reader GeoTheo’s son will enter the world knowing exactly what team he’s a fan of as the due-in-the-Spring baby boy received a nice selection of Chicago Bulls merchandise (is that an Iowa Hawkeyes bootie I see in there?):
Travis Conaway (@TeeRawk_3) from Manhattan, Kansas will now be able to move around comfortably around his house, all while supporting his Kansas State Wildcats with his new pair of Powercat house shoes:
Last but not least, blog commenter Derek got this great piece of 1990s nostalgia with a 1994 World Cup USA soccer shirt featuring tournament mascot “Striker” the dog:
Thanks to everyone who sent in pictures of their holiday treasures, and my apologies to those that I was unable to include – I’ve got a Boxing Day dinner this afternoon and I’m running late!
As I mentioned earlier, please feel free to include pictures of your gifts in the comments below this post so we can all see what you got!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone out there, thanks for reading!