Former Major League hurler Don Larsen is putting the uniform he wore from his legendary 1956 World Series perfect game up for auction. Both the jersey and pants worn that day will be sold.
Larsen pitched the only perfect game in World Series history in game five on October 8, 1956 for the New York Yankees against their cross-town rivals the Brooklyn Dodgers.

While this uniform undoubtedly needs to be in the National Baseball Hall of Fame, unfortunately Don needs some money to pay for a college education for his grandchildren, and selling this uniform should do it – and then some. Sure, there’s little chance it fetches the $4.4 million (US) that Babe Ruth’s 1920 jersey netted earlier this year, but considering that the uniform Yogi Berra wore that day for catching the perfect game went for a cool half-million I’d say we should expect at least over $1 million for the one that the man throwing the game wore.
“I’m auctioning the uniform to provide my grandsons with enough money for a college education,” Mr. Larsen told the New York Times, “What the uniform actually sells for is not that important to me; whatever happens, happens. I’m just hoping for enough to help the grandkids.”
The auction will be held starting October 8th of this year, 56 years to the day that Larsen threw that perfect game, and will run for 56 days until ending on December 2nd. Bidding will take place on
“I really don’t know what it is worth,” Larsen continued telling the NY Times. “But what I do know is that in terms of historic importance, my uniform is a part of one of the greatest moments in the history of sports. I have thought about that perfect game, more than once a day, every day of my life since the day I threw it.”