The United States National Soccer Team updated the jersey number colour on their new striped kits for their game Wednesday night against Brazil.
While the new uniforms have taken a lot of flack (I personally love the new look – except for the fact it only has 12 stripes rather than the 13 on the US flag) the one thing everyone could agree on was that the “invisible” silver numbers had to go.
So Wednesday, the silver became blue.
Nike, who designed the uniforms, quickly denied responsibility saying that US Soccer is responsible for jersey number design and colouring.
Here’s a look at the original silver numbers and the new blue numbers, what do you think? Is this an improvement?

While it’s clear that the blue numbers are an improvement over the silver, they still don’t seem that visible — why is the blue in a pale shade not found anywhere else on the uniform? Why are the stripes as bold as they are but the numbers appear to be anything but?
Here’s hoping this was just a quick fix and some bolder numbers are on the way, it’s a step in the right direction at least.