Spanish-speaking Mets fans were able to eliminate any potential confusion with their team’s name, as this past Friday the Mets wore jerseys with “Los Mets” across the chest, to celebrate Spanish heritage.

The lettering was white, with an orange outline, on the bright blue Met’s softball team jersey.
This is a slight tweak from 2011, when their spanish jerseys were the same blue, but had lettering in orange, with a white outline.

The full lettering version looks as if it was fully intended to appear this way, in contrast with the 2009 version, which looked like a standard Mets jersey, upon which they had, as an afterthought, tacked on the “Los”

The white pants, blue jerseys look was in effect for the game, with all blue caps.

Do you enjoy this promotion? Should people who don’t primarily speak Spanish qualified to give opinion of value on this promotion? Do you love or hate it anyway?