Early in the 2012 season, Virginia Tech will host a “White Effect” game, and seeing as they lack a white helmet, they needed one. In the Backsburg area, many vehicles can be seen sporting the “Hokie Tracks.” Now, they can be seen on the side of the Hokie’s white helmet. Even the name, calling them “tracks” is specious, as they are orange with maroon outlines, looking for like the turkey had its feet chopped off, than tracks in the mud.
Our research into reactions to the helmet show lots of articles calling the reaction “mixed” but we feel confident saying it is decidedly negative. Even junior QB Logan Thomas gave his opinion on Twitter about them.
Our whiteout helmets are so ugly – Logan Thomas
Who are we to argue?

They make the grand total of Virginia Tech helmets so far this season, to three. In case you missed it, the Hokies will be wearing camo helmets with white jersey sporting camo numbers later this year.
Unafraid to push the envelope and questionable taste are two different things.
What do you think? Are the severed turkey feet a cool look or a tacky gimmick? Would you like your favorite team to feature one body part from your mascot?