The 1990s. It’s quickly becoming the new “go-to” decade for throwbacks in sports leaving the retro trend of powder blues and elastic waistbands from the 1980s back where they belong (the ’80s).
This weekend we will be seeing two more 1990s throwback games as the San Diego Padres and Arizona Diamondbacks both take part in hosting separate turn back the clock events.
First up the San Diego Padres will be turning back to their National League pennant winning uniforms used from 1991-2001, the blue and orange era, for tonights game against the Colorado Rockies.

This will be the third era of Padres uniforms the club has worn this season (in addition to their regular 2012 set, of course), having earlier worn their 1978 brown and yellow uniforms and 1989 white jerseys with brown and orange script.

We polled the audience back in August about which Padres era they preferred the most…
It was close, but the retros being worn tonight finished behind both the 70s and 80s sets and coming ahead of only the current set.
Moving on…
Tomorrow night it’s Arizona’s turn as the Diamondbacks go back to their purple alternates from 1998 in their game against the San Francisco Giants.

The Diamondbacks held a poll back in March for their fans to select which jersey they’d wear, you’re looking at the winner. It’s all part of Arizona’s first-ever “Alumni Night”, which means we’re likely going to see throwbacks worn every September from here on out (they wore the white version from this set last year, but I guess it wasn’t “Alumni Night”)
The D-Backs have really been embracing the retro event even going as far as re-designing their website in their old colours of purple and teal in the week ahead of the game:

Aside from the Chicago White Sox regular use of their 1972 red and white home jerseys every Sunday home game (will be worn again on September 30th), these will be the last two throwback games of the 2012 MLB season.