Another Christmas and another bevy of new sports merchandise to add to the various collections of yours from all around the world.
For me growing up December 25th was the one day I could really count on to get some random logo’d piece of clothing or household accessory (and the more random the better), from a pair of Pittsburgh Penguins 1991 Wales Conference Champions pyjamas (so random!), to the year I finally got my first jersey – a road Florida Panthers expansion season sweater. Even though we get older, the excitement as to what logo or jersey awaits us this year remains.
This year the highlight of my “haul” would be the gift I got myself (that counts, right?) an authentic home Toronto Blue Jays jersey with Jose Reyes’ #7 on the back. Friends and family helped with the rest getting me, among other things a 2012 Leafs draft day cap, and 2013 Blue Jays calendar:
When the Jays are celebrating their title in November of 2013 I’ll get to look at Eric Thames for the entire month, who would have been traded to Seattle 16 months prior by that point…
But of course I may be too distracted to care by then, as my wife shows off the retro Blue Jays onesies, blocks, and NHL books for our first child due this coming May:
Anyways! On to the readers who this year responded with more than double the amount we received in last years Christmas gifts post. Like last year we saw a lot of the hot new MLB logo, last year was Toronto, this year the new Houston Astros merchandise was the star:

Let’s not forget the New York Mets also made some changes this off-season, one reader was lucky enough to get the cap/jersey combo:

The luckiest of the lucky, in my opinion, are those who score game-worn gear – this year we had two such individuals:

The other big logo news during 2012 was the New Jersey Nets transformation into Jay-Z featuring the Brooklyn Nets:

Onto the retro gear, always popular!

And, of course, a slew of current merchandise from all over the sports world:

If you got anything you’d like to show off, please share with us in the comments below!
Happy Holidays everyone, we’ll be doing this again in 2013.