To celebrate 100 years of West Coast hockey the Vancouver Canucks will wear patches bearing the logo of the original Vancouver Millionaires hockey club on the front of their third jerseys during select home games.
The patch will be on the upper right corner of the jersey, opposite where the captain’s letters would go.

You can catch the patch tonight for the first time as the Canucks host the Chicago Blackhawks, the remainder of the games it will be worn has not yet been released.

The Millionaires played in Vancouver in the Pacific Coast Hockey Association from 1911 through 1922, they won the Stanley Cup in 1915 – to this date it’s still the only Stanley Cup a team from Vancouver has won.
UPDATE (2/1/13 17:13 ET): Icethetics found some pics of a Vancouver Millionaires jersey, which if judging by the Canucks press release, may be worn on March 16th against Detroit

The press release has a little teaser stating:
“Check back often for more exciting Millionaires news as the Canucks continue to honour Vancouver’s hockey roots, particularly in-game March 16th”
Sounds like a vintage jersey to me! Exciting!