A very happy birthday to… us!
SportsLogos.Net turns 16 years old today! Originally launched as “Chris Creamer’s Sports Logos Page” as a site hosted for free on Tripod (remember Tripod, kids?) way back on June 7th, 1997.
Some thank yous — this site wouldn’t have lasted more than a year if it weren’t for all of you who visit, thank you to all the regular readers, lurkers, and forum posters. To all the contributors and volunteers, the last few years trying to run every part of this thing would’ve been an absolute mess without you, you’re the best!
I’ve met a lot great people, many of whom I genuinely consider to be amongst my closest of friends, all because of this assembled mess of code, and that alone makes it all worth the time and energy invested into it.
Let’s take a look back below of some of the re-designs the site has undertaken during the past decade and a half. Click the image below for a larger version to get a better look, how many of these designs do you remember?

If you’d like to get us a birthday gift, please disable your AdBlocker plugin while visiting our site (if you have it enabled) – that’d really help keep this thing going for years and years to come!
Now, if you’ll excuse me I have to go take the website out to get its drivers license. They grow up so fast…