The International League’s Rochester Red Wings (Triple-A, Minnesota Twins) unveiled their updated set of team logos at an event held at the team’s home ballpark on Friday evening. The new look was developed by Dan Simon and his Studio Simon team out of Lexington, Ky.
As has been the case with the past two logos, “Spikes”, the Red Wings mascot, is front-and-centre, and with good reason:
“Our Spikes logo has been a beloved one for us, with great popularity both locally and nationally with souvenir sales across every state in the country. In keeping with the times, we’ve decided to take this logo and give him a super update to get a whole new generation of fans excited about his look. We think this new version will be a real hit with our fans.” – Rochester Red Wings President Naomi Silver

Personally I think it’s nice to see a team taking a look they’ve built an identity around and just tweaking it, modernizing it where necessary. Employing this strategy gives the club a fresh look while still maintaining ties to their history. It’s so simple, but so brilliant at the same time.
The new primary logo features “Spikes” turned to the left, wearing a black ballcap and holding a yellow baseball bat over his shoulder, the team name across the front in an updated team font.

With the new primary comes a whole slew of alternate marks, one similar to the primary but just with Spikes’ head looking straight-on to the viewer; one extremely similar to the old primary (with just “Spikes” slightly modernized); and another a simple scripted “R”, again very similar to a classic Red Wings look. These last two logos will be on the new road and batting practice caps, and when combined with the brand new logo on the new home cap the three form tributes to three different eras in Red Wings history. Nice touch.

It’ll be another few weeks before we see the new uniform set, naturally we will post them when we get them.