Leaked via French sports shop Basket4Ballers.com (which, by the way, totally doesn’t make any sense when spoken in French… basket quatre ballers?), and later confirmed via a Tweet courtesy Paul Lukas, we’ve gotten an early look at the jerseys for the 2014 NBA All-Star Game.
Sleeved. Big surprise, right?
So far only the Eastern Conference has been seen, we’re still waiting for a West leak or unveil. (UPDATE: West has also been leaked! Scroll down to see it)
On this one we got a blue jersey with green trim around the collar and a fleur-de-lis logo on the chest featuring the conference name. Fleur-de-lis because this game is being played in New Orleans. There is no player number on the front, but instead on the sleeve.

On the back we see, in white, the player last name (hey, no nicknames!) with number in green with blue and white trim. Below the number is the team logo of the team the player plays for, possibly in the same chrome treatment as the BIG Logo jerseys from Christmas.
Love when a uniform manufacturer sneaks in their trademark design? Well, then you’ll really be excited about this one, adidas has their incorporated three white stripes which go up each side of the jersey.

I dunno, maybe I’m just not “getting it”, maybe this is just the latest example of my life’s decent into “I don’t understand the world today”, but I am not a fan of these new jerseys. I thought once I saw some different sleeved jersey designs after that whole Christmas Day template-a-thon mess I’d be more on board, but I’m not.
Regardless, this is the future of the NBA, like it or lump it, let’s all just get used to it and try to move on. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised to see every jersey for every team in every game sleeved before the end of the decade.
UPDATE (Jan 16/14: 11:42am ET): Thanks to a Tweet from @Fuikaomar (and a heads up from @lrm1596) we’ve now seen the Western Conference all-star jersey as well… red with purple trim.
The full photo tweeted by Fuikaomar below, which also includes, perhaps, a warmup jacket?