Despite a World Series Championship last season, the Boston Red Sox are making a change to their uniforms for 2014.
But it’s a good one, trust me.
The drab all-blue road jersey wordmark is getting it’s red back, giving it a look more close to the road uniform during their World Series clinching victories in 2004 and 2007. The jersey was spotted on an online sports shop by brand-new Twitter user @PaulWoods33 and subsequently re-tweeted and confirmed by the folks at Uniwatch. Not that it matters much at this point, but we can also confirm this jersey is legit.

Boston has flip-flopped on the road jersey wordmark several times over the past, ooooh 75 or so years…
1938-1968: All blue “BOSTON”
1969-1971: Blue “BOSTON” with red trim
1972-1978: Red “BOSTON” with blue trim
1979-1989: All blue “BOSTON”
1990-2008: Red “BOSTON” with blue trim
2009-2013: All blue “BOSTON”
2014-Pres: Red “BOSTON” with blue trim
Seems like they can’t make up their minds… I’ll make it easier for them, stick with this one, it’s far superior to what you’ve been wearing on the road up to this point.

The new road jersey is *slightly* different from what was worn from 1990-2008, like 2009-13 the hanging Red Sox primary logo is on the sleeve where the ’90-’08 version had no sleeve patch, also the wordmark has been slightly updated, a comparison of all three below:
According to a tweet from Todd Radom, the Red Sox become the first time since the 1987 New York Mets to change their road jersey right after winning the World Series. Of course those ’86 Mets beat the all-blue road wordmark wearing Boston Red Sox in that Fall Classic.