Sure, it wasn’t quite a “Three-Peat” but the Miami Heat are still in the midst of an incredible run, 2014 was their fourth consecutive trip to the NBA Final, two of which resulted in winning the whole thing.
Instead it’s San Antonio getting revenge on their Game 7 loss to this same Heat team just one year ago, the Spurs – building a dynasty of their own – have now captured their 5th NBA title in the past 15 years. To contrast, my Toronto Raptors have only won *one* playoff *series* over that same stretch of time. Well done San Antonio, your 2014 logo gets added to our NBA Champions logo wall.
So if Miami won we were going to see all sorts of their custom, now unused, “Three-Peat!” logo, which was basically their primary logo with the wordmark replaced. The logo was to be used on both the locker room caps and t-shirts (of which we actually have the images of this time), you can see it below:
Here’s a sampling of some of the other merchandise that would have been available, things like flags, pennants, bumper stickers, towels, etc.:

And now some 2014 NBA Championship and NBA Final merchandise for the other “Final Four” teams – the Indiana Pacers and Oklahoma City Thunder:

You can check out our other “phantom championship” merchandise posts here.