Daytona drops the “Cubs” name, South Bend picks ’em right up. The former South Bend Silver Hawks of the Midwest League are now the South Bend Cubs, unveiling their new logos today at a fan event.
The new logo prominently features that of the Chicago Cubs, surround the Cubs logo is the team name in a classic typeset, it’s the same font used on the old Studebaker cars – the company originally founded in South Bend.

“This was an important feature to us, we’re incredibly excited about bringing the Cubs to South Bend, but we’ll never lose that connection to our local heritage. And I think it’s really good to know that the Chicago Cubs like this design that integrates some of our Studebaker heritage as much as we do.” – Joe Hart, South Bend Cubs President
At the bottom of the primary logo is a vine of ivy, another connection to the Chicago Cubs brand.
Four alternate logos were also unveiled today, including two based off the old “Angry Cub” logo worn by the big-league team in the 1980s:
The home uniform will be white with blue pinstripes (naturally), the South Bend version of the Cubs logo on the chest, there will be four caps:
The bottom two caps just scream “1980s Baseball in Canada”, don’t they? Exhibit Eh, Exhibit B