If there was any doubt before, this should take care of all that.
The Los Angeles Clippers registered a series of trademarks with the United States Patent and Trademark Office showing a series of new teams logos and wordmarks. The trademarks were registered on April 21, 2015 a day after a second round of leaks became public.
Shown above are all the logos which were registered by the team, they were the LA Clippers wordmarks previously seen on the reported home and road uniforms as well as two partial versions of the rumoured primary. There’s also a new version of the wordmark with an “LA” insignia next to “Clippers”.
One of the full registrations:
The full slate of leaked uniforms from Uniwatch last week:
Now that we know these to be what the Clippers will be using next season… what do you think? I’m not impressed, the logo is fairly bland and has absolutely nothing to do with the name of the team (not that the current set does either).
Not to mention it’s a fairly straight rip of the old EA Sports’ NBA Live logo:

Fan concepts are clearly superior to what the team is going with:

This could’ve been so much better… very disappointing.