In news that has been somewhat inevitable, three NFL teams with close ties to the Los Angeles area all filed for relocation to the City of Angels on late Monday night. The San Diego Chargers, Oakland Raiders, and St. Louis Rams all have stadium issues in their current locations, and all three are looking to make a return to Los Angeles.
Here’s a bit from the NFL’s statement on the matter:
Three teams – the Oakland Raiders, St. Louis Rams, and San Diego Chargers – each submitted applications to our office today to relocate their franchises to the Los Angeles area beginning with the 2016 season. Each team submitted the appropriate documentation in support of its application as required by the NFL Policy and Procedures for Proposed Franchise Relocations.
The applications will be reviewed this week by league staff and three league committees that will meet in New York on Wednesday and Thursday — the Los Angeles Opportunities, Stadium, and Finance committees. The applications will be presented for consideration at next week’s league meeting in Houston on Tuesday and Wednesday. The relocation of a franchise requires the affirmative vote of three-quarters of the NFL clubs (24 of 32).
Personally, I think it’s a longshot that we’ll see all three of these teams move to Los Angeles, but we could definitely see two and one seems like a given. In my opinion, the Chargers appear to be the team that’s most likely to move, and I think that only one of the Raiders or Rams will be joining the Chargers in their return to Los Angeles. Either way, it’s always sad to see cities lose their teams — especially in the case of San Diego since they’ve been part of the NFL since the 1960s.
Meanwhile, the burning question for us logo nerds has to be whether or not we’ll see any major changes for any team should they move. I think that the only major change we’d see would be the Rams going back to their old color scheme of blue-and-yellow if they return to Los Angeles. Other than that, I think that the Chargers would keep their identity and just slap “Los Angeles” on the wordmarks, and we’ve already seen what the Raiders did the last time they moved to Los Angeles: A whole lot of nothing.
This is all just speculation, though. It’s very early in the process for all three teams, and we could just as easily see these teams stay in their locations as we could see them move. But for now, relocation seems like a real possibility here, so let’s let the logo speculation run wild for now.

What do you all think of the situation, though? Do you see any of these teams making a major logo/uniform change if they move to Los Angeles? Are you excited about potentially seeing the NFL return to LA, or do you think that these teams should stay put?