Twenty years ago, NBA legend and current meme superstar Michael Jordan teamed up with cartoon legend Bugs Bunny and other Looney Tunes superstars to form the star-studded but still underdog-labelled Tune Squad. They took to the court for their one-off game (which was covered in the documentary known as “Space Jam”) against the heavily-favored Monstars wearing some pretty conservative uniforms for the era.
The Monstars also went with some conservative uniforms for the ’90s as well, and they even went with the strange decision of having all of their players wear the #0. They also made an odd tactical decision to go with only five players, and their lack of depth may have ended up costing them the Space Jam title, but that’s another discussion for another day. The point is that they had some extremely simple uniforms.
So, with rumors that we may be seeing a revival of the Tune Squad for another edition of “Space Jam,” the obvious question that’s on everybody’s mind is whether or not we’ll be seeing the Tune Squad update their logo and uniforms. As we saw by what they wore for the original game, the Tunes aren’t going to let the styles of the time influence what they’re wearing.
One thing is for certain: If LeBron James does indeed decide to jump to yet another team by joining the Tune Squad for the next “Space Jam,” then we probably won’t see them wearing sleeved jerseys, that’s for sure.

So, are you all ready to see the Tune Squad return to the court? What do you think the uniforms will look like? Will we worry about sleeves for any teams who are involved? Let us know what you think!