Yesterday, we covered Rutgers’ new football uniforms and how they went to a traditional uniform set with a limited set of uniform combinations. This was in stark contrast to their previous combo that had plenty of helmets and different uniform combos. Additionally, Rutgers head coach Chris Ash added that his recruits didn’t really care too much about the crazy uniforms.
While Rutgers toned things down a bit, the University of Central Florida decided to turn things up a notch. While their new uniforms aren’t particularly crazy in design, they did go crazy in the number of possible combinations. UCF will have 4 helmets, 4 jerseys, and 4 pants. 4 x 4 x 4? 64!
Those are just four possible combos, and if you want to see the entire gamut of uniforms, then UCF has you covered with their unveiling website. At, you’ll get everything from a video showing off the uniforms to design inspiration coming straight from Josh Iverson, who is a Senior Graphic Designer at Nike. You’ll also get a look at all 64 possible uniform combos for the Knights to choose from.
In addition to the absolute plethora of uniforms, the school also unveiled a new custom number font and a Pegasus logo that will adorn the sleeves of each jersey in a sublimated manner.
Overall, I think that the entire look is not bad at all. I think that the 64 uniform combos may be a bit of overkill and I would’ve preferred them to emphasize gold over anthracite, but this isn’t the worst identity revamp in the world. Again, there aren’t any wacky striping patterns on these uniforms and the helmets actually look pretty good as well, so this is a decent enough revamp.
However, if you do like these uniforms, then you may not want to get too attached to them because UCF is already planning another uniform change in the near future. UCF head football coach Scott Frost explained UCF’s line of thinking in the school’s official press release on the matter:
“This is the first design, and I’m sure these uniforms we’re wearing this year will make it to next year. I don’t think they will make it much farther than that. I want to keep moving the ball down the field with our uniforms and I think we will come up with some new things down the road. But with this first effort, I think we wanted something that was new and different but also played back to the tradition that UCF has had. So there’s some obvious changes and some good ones, but we haven’t really pushed the envelope yet.”
So yeah, you should probably expect to see another uniform update from UCF by the time the 2018 college football season rolls around, and they’ll probably be influenced by whatever’s cool in college football design by then. Still, it’s not everyday that you see a sports team say “Oh yeah, these new uniforms probably won’t last more than two seasons,” after unveiling brand new uniforms/
What do you all think of the new uniforms, though?