When you tune in to the ball game today, you’ll notice Major League Baseball is looking a little pink.
Actually a lot pink.
All thirty MLB teams will be wearing pink and graphite versions of their usual uniform and all jersey wordmarks, team logo patches, ballcap logos, player names, and numbers will be pink with graphite trim. Caps will be be a graphite base with pink logo and stitching throughout. Base jewels will be pink, baseballs will feature pink lettering and lacing.

There are some exceptions to these rules — the Padres will be wearing a camouflage base on their jersey, the Indians sleeve patch will remain in the standard team colours, and the Brewers will have their retro logo (in pink) on the sleeve instead of the modern patch.
It’s all in honour of mom. Your mom, my mom, the mom’s of every MLB ballplayer, manager, trainer, scout, front office executive. Mom was our very first coach in life, and today we all say ‘thank you’.
Not a dime from the sale of this merchandise will see a MLB bank account, 100% of all proceeds are going to Susan G. Komen, a non-profit organization dedicated to saving lives and ending breast cancer forever.
Here’s a look at all thirty team combinations which will be worn today, note the Marlins jersey will not actually have a player number on the front, this was an error.
MLB will do something similar for Father’s Day next month, all teams will wear baby blue instead of pink with proceeds going to prostate cancer research.