Last summer we created a graphic which received a fair amount of attention depicting the uniform worn for each Stanley Cup clinching victory since the dawn of the NHL era (1918). In that post we complied a whole host of (what I consider to be) interesting and very uniform-nerdy stats involving what colours were worn. If you want to see those stats (and you probably do if you’re a visitor of this site) then you can see that post here, the post you’re reading now is just a simple update to the graphic, no fancy stats.
Pittsburgh won the Cup tonight, on the road so we don’t get to add another alternate jersey to the chart. The 1999 Dallas Stars (one Sabres fan is gonna say something) remain the only team to truly win the big prize while wearing their third jersey. The Penguins won while wearing the same jersey they wore when they won in 2009, made for a real easy update for me… thanks guys!
** If you’d like to share this graphic, please do! I just ask you link to this post and not directly to the image. Linking directly to the image runs up our bills. Thanks! **

And some folks have asked about the possibility of this being a poster for sale… we’re working on that, hopefully an update to this in the next couple of months! Stay tuned!