The National Women’s Hockey League, fresh off their debut season, announced this morning that all four of its team’s uniform designs will be retired effective immediately.
Just like last season, a fan vote to determine the new uniforms for each team was launched, each team has two options for their new uniform design. None of the primary team logos are changing (so the New York Riveters logo, which placed high in our Top New Logos of 2015 Awards is sticking around!).
Let’s take a look at what’s being turfed as well as the two new options you’re able to vote on for each. We’ll provide a link to where you can cast your vote at the bottom of this post.
Boston Pride
Here’s last years jersey:

And the two new options for 2016-17:

Buffalo Beauts
Last year:

And the new options:

Connecticut Whale
Last year *cough*:

And the new options:

New York Riveters
Last year:

And the choices… Rosie’s gotta stay on the front, let’s make sure the top one wins

It is not yet known when the winning entries will be announced or if the jerseys will be replaced annually going forward. On one hand, new design every year could increase revenue by getting people to purchase more often, but on the other hand if I know my team is getting rid of their jersey after every year I’m just not going to bother buying one. That’s just me though, soccer seems to be doing just fine by this method.
You can cast your vote right here.