Happy new year everyone, welcome to 2017!
As this is a year which ends in either a ‘7’ or a ‘2’, we’re celebrating a milestone anniversary in 2017, we’re proud to introduce our 20th anniversary logo which we will be using throughout the year in acknowledgement of 20 years that this site has existed (20?!).
The logo was designed by Torch Creative (see portfolio), the Dallas-based duo who have long been great friends of the site and was also the designer of both our current (and original) site logo but also previously our 5th and 15th anniversary marks. Big thanks to Mike Thurman and Brad Bishop for their help over the years and we’re always excited to see their design studio achieve continued success. The logo shown at the top of this post is a “3D version” of the logo and was given that treatment for us by Toronto-area designer Andy Meyer.

The logo features a split-styled number (which the aforementioned Texas-based designer insisted was not a tribute to the Toronto Blue Jays) along with a banner splitting through it in a similar fashion as our primary star-leaf logo. The year of our establishment as well as the current year are placed on the banner in white with the partial version of primary logo laid on top of it all.
And because this is what we do, let’s take a look at the anniversary logos of the past along with our new mark:
I hope to have some fun with this new mark in the upcoming year, perhaps making some jersey-style patches (it’s an anniversary logo, afterall) or t-shirts if there’d be any interest amongst our readers.
I started this website in the Summer of 1997, both as an excuse to learn how these early-internet pages were created and because I wanted an easy-to-access repository of team logos for my own graphic design projects and concepts. Thanks to some late nights and a lot of help from friends both in my real-world and virtual-world the site grew beyond my wildest dreams, so much so that I had to quit my full-time job in the 15th year of the site in order to dedicate the time required to maintain it.
Thank you all! Here’s to the next 20.