If you’re a fan of what that Atlanta Braves wore back when the legendary Hank Aaron broke Babe Ruth’s record of home runs over a career, then you’re in luck. According to Paul Lukas of Uni Watch, the Braves are going to wear the uniforms from that era for not just one game, but two games as well.

The Braves are no strangers to wearing throwbacks, as they’ve been known to go deep into their catalog for throwback uniforms. However, this is the first time the team has worn these particular uniforms since 2014. That was when they marked the 40th anniversary of Aaron hitting home run number 715 to break the record by wearing the uniform design that the Braves were wearing on that momentous night in 1974.
Majestic did a pretty good job of replicating the look onto a modern cut, and I’d imagine that they’ll do a similarly good job now in 2017. Plus, the team has the helmets to match the throwbacks, so that makes things even better.

So, who’s looking forward to seeing the old uniforms back on the field again? Is this the best throwback look that the Braves have?