Although a huge chunk of NBA teams have already worn three or even all 4-5 of their jerseys that Nike now allocates each team, there are some teams who are still stuck on wearing just two jerseys. One of those teams is the Minnesota Timberwolves. After overhauling their identity, they have still only worn their “Association” whites and “Icon” color uniforms. However, we now have an idea of exactly when the team will roll out their third and fourth uniforms.
For starters, we won’t see the amazingly bright green “Statement” jerseys until December 16. While the reaction to that particular uniform has been polarizing, you can put me in the camp that actually wants to see them in action. Yeah, the color is probably going to tear into your retina if you look at it directly, but that’s part of the allure to me personally.

Meanwhile, we’ll have to wait even longer to see the team’s fourth jersey. The crew over at FanSided’s Dancing With Wolves has noticed that the Timberwolves actually have a little jersey indicator on their schedule to note what they’ll be wearing for each game this season.
While most of the games have either a white, blue, or green mini-jersey next to the game, the game for February 1 has a gray jersey with a Nike emblem on it. That gray mini-jersey was displayed next to their Christmas Day game, but now it’s been moved to February 1 which means that we’ll now have to wait a couple more months until we can see what Minnesota and Nike have up their sleeves for a fourth jersey.
So, are you excited to see what else Minnesota will be wearing in the coming months?