It’s time for Springtime baseball… trying reading that with Vin Scully’s voice.
Spring Training is finally here, pitchers and catchers have reporting to most camps, and we’re just two weeks away from our first spring ball games. Ahhh, I can still feel the warm Florida sun in my long ago memories of attending Spring Training, back in my “get up and go whenever I feel like it” days… you know, before the children arrived.
While we’d already seen the new caps and jerseys New Era and Majestic had unveiled for the 2018 Spring campaign, we thought the timing was appropriate for a handy “it’s all here” refresher with some new graphics.
Most teams are going with a basic one cap, one jersey combo (it is just Spring Training after all) but some clubs *cough*Tigers*cough* had anywhere between 2 and 4(!) different caps, just for the Spring! I hope I didn’t give someone an idea for a future Minor League Baseball team called the CoughTigers.
Here’s the full Spring Training uniform combos for all thirty MLB clubs, click either of these two for a larger image:

Some great combos in there (that Brewers yellow front cap looks nice with that jersey) but there’s also some mismatched looks — while I love the Rockies cap it doesn’t match at all with the jersey, samesies for the Cincinnati Reds.
Going back to the caps, which New Era is calling the lightest in Major League history, it’s an entirely new fabric and the team logos are no longer embroidered to the front:
The patch for both the cap and jersey feature the same design, a state outline of Arizona or Florida with the mail abbreviation all within a home plate shape, the MLB batterman logo and “2018” at the top.
Jerseys are, for the most part, unchanged from 2017. The construction is certainly the same. What’s new is the pattern featured within the player name and numbers and a new jersey design for Kansas City:
The sleeve and cap patch are a diamond shape replacing the road sign used last year, there’s a slightly different version for the Grapefruit (FL) and Cactus (AZ) clubs:
Of course, if you wanted to purchase any of the new Spring Training items you can do so by following the links below:
2018 Spring Training MLB Team Caps
2018 Spring Training MLB Team Jerseys
2018 Spring Training MLB T-Shirts