As the Anaheim Ducks head into their twenty-fifth anniversary season the team is doing a lot of looking back, they introduced a retro-inspired third uniform, they announced a series of eight throwback uniforms for the pre-game warmups, and now… this:
Tweeted and designed by Shell Shock Designs (@ShellShockCo) the new mask for Ducks goaltender John Gibson features the original Mighty Ducks of Anaheim logo at the top, Gibson’s number 36 at the bottom, and green wings up either side of the cage — the wings inspired by former Mighty Ducks goaltender Guy Hebert’s mask from the original years of the franchise.
Does Guy approve?
Guy approves.
There are other references thrown into the design, mostly relating to Gibson’s hometown of Pittsburgh, Penn., including the logos of Pittsburgh’s Steelers and Pirates. Honestly, could you imagine any other sport that would allow this? Hockey’s the best.

My favourite part of the entire design just may be the back of the mask which is made up to look like the Stanley Cup engraving for the Ducks championship in 2006-2007:
Gibson’s new mask is set to be worn with the team’s new third uniform only for the 2018-19 season, which makes sense considering the colours do not match their regular home/away set at all.