The Pittsburgh Penguins will honour the victims of the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting, which happened in the Squirrel Hill neighbourhood of Pittsburgh.
For tonight’s game against the New York Islanders, the Penguins will wear a patch on their right shoulder showing the team’s usual logo of a penguin skating on a gold triangle with an additional triangle added, the added triangle creates a Star of David. “STRONGER THAN HATE” is added below the logo in white.

Each player will sign their game-worn jersey and they will be made available for auction at All proceeds from the jersey auction and the Penguins other fundraising efforts tonight will go to the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh and a fund established by Pittsburgh’s Department of Safety to benefit police officers wounded during the attack.
Eleven people were killed, nine injured during the attack which took place at the Tree of Life Synagogue during Shabbat morning services and a bris on October 27th, 2018.