The Boston Red Sox kicked off the home portion of their 2019 Major League Baseball schedule this afternoon by raising a new banner, wearing golden uniforms, and of course, getting some new jewellery.
Boston’s 2018 World Series Championship rings were doled out today to current players who were part of the team last season, the ring features the Red Sox famous red “B” logo on blue from their cap with WORLD CHAMPIONS surrounding it above and below.

On one side the individual player’s name, their jersey number, and “2018”; on the other a collection of past Red Sox World Series pennants with a large one in the middle celebrating the 119 games the team won throughout the 2018 regular season and playoffs. The bottom of the ring proclaims they’re a “TEAM FOR THE AGES”, on the inside is the team’s rallying cry “Damage Done” as well as the player’s signature and nickname.
In total there are 185 stones used in the ring — 22 blue sapphires, 21 rubies, 14 diamonds. Each of these numbers has a silly meaning attached to it, for example, 185 stones = 162 regular season games + 14 postseason games + 9 world titles; or 22 blue sapphires for 14 postseason games + 8 home runs hit during the World Series. It’s better without the explanation.
Here’s their championship ring from 2013 for comparison, I like anything with the Commissioner’s Trophy featured and this is no exception: