The Toronto Raptors against the Golden State Warriors, The North against The Town, welcome to the 2019 NBA Finals.
For the first time in NBA history, the league’s championship will be played outside the United States as the Raptors clinched their first berth in the finals with a six-game series win over the Milwaukee Bucks, the NBA’s top-seeded team. Golden State, on the other hand, is making their fifth consecutive trip to the Finals and looking to secure the first three-peat the NBA has seen since Shaq and Kobe with the Lakers in the early 2000s.
During the 2019 NBA Finals, as has been the case in the past few championship rounds, both teams will wear a commemorative patch on the back of their jersey above the player’s name. The patch design for 2019 is the same as what was used in 2018.

During each of the four games played in Toronto, including for a potential Game 7, the Warriors and Raptors are both scheduled to wear their traditional home whites (“Association”) and road dark (“Icon”) uniforms – Golden State in their blues, Toronto in their whites.
Things are slightly different in Oakland:

The Raptors, looking to ride off the success of their only road win in the Eastern Finals, are scheduled to bring back their red “Earned” uniform featuring a white chevron with “NORTH” written across it. As of now, Toronto has this uniform pencilled in for all of their games in Oakland. The Warriors will wear their traditional home “Association” whites for Game 3 then switch to their “Statement” black uniform with “The Town” on the front.
As of now, for Games 4 and 6 of the NBA Finals, neither team will wear their name on their uniform. As I alluded to earlier in this story, it’s The Town vs North.
Please note I keep saying “for now”, or “are scheduled to” because these things can change. The Raptors were originally slated to wear their black “Statement” uniform for Game 5 in Milwaukee but following back-to-back losses in black to start that series they decided to leave ’em in the locker room and wear the “Earned” red set. Anything can change.
Before the game and on the sidelines both teams will wear specially designed shooting shirts, both long and short sleeves feature the same design:

Both club’s shooting shirt follows the same template, white with the team logo on the front in gold, “NBA FINALS 2019” added above the team name.
The 2019 NBA Finals begins Thursday, May 30th and, if necessary, has a seventh game scheduled over two weeks later on June 16th.