Back in February of this year, CBC/Sportsnet NHL analyst and noted fun-hating old guy Don Cherry took issue with the Carolina Hurricanes’ penchant for creative celebrations, and famously called the team a “bunch of jerks.” The Hurricanes, whose previous claim to fame was that their franchise was once the Hartford Whalers, embraced the term and ran with it. The ‘Canes made “Bunch of Jerks” T-shirts, which they then revised to “Bunch of Front-Running Jerks” in response to further criticism from Cherry.

Now the local baseball team wants in on the fun. The Triple-A Durham Bulls will hold “Bunch of Jerks” night in collaboration with their intra-city hockey-playing neighbors. The Bulls will wear Hurricanes colors, as they did on Hockey Night last year, with this year’s look reflecting Carolina’s alternate black sweaters.

Bunch of Jerks Night will take place August 23, with baseball- and hockey-themed promotions throughout the evening.