The NBA’s leak week continues as today we get a look at the brand new Oklahoma City Thunder “icon” uniform, and just like the new Dallas Mavericks jersey, it comes from Dick’s Sporting Goods.
Several small but notable changes for the new Thunder uniform next season, firstly the wordmark across the chest now reads “THUNDER” on one line instead of the much longer “OKLAHOMA CITY” spread out across two lines. This wordmark is now in white with blue and orange trim instead of the previous white on blue.

Striping up the sides has also been tweaked, last season the side striping thin red/thin yellow/thick blue/thin yellow/thin red, this year it’s simplified to just a single stripe in each colour with blue remaining the largest of the bunch.
This striping pattern continues down to the leg of the shorts where we see another change, the placement of the team logo — moved from the side to the front of the leg.
A look at last year’s Icon uniform versus what we’ve seen leaked today:

Oklahoma City has already had a uniform leaked earlier this off-season, the team’s new orange “city” jersey for the 2019-20 season was spotted back in June.

Special thanks to @BlakeDeBernard who first spotted and Tweeted out the new look.