Some say twenty years or so are needed for old fads to become popular again. It makes sense. Those who were young and impressionable at the time of the original trend are now of an age where they actually have some influence over what’s happening — both because they’ve now acquired important purchasing power and also because they’re actually working within the industries who ultimately push through and decide what’ll be “in”.
Pardon me while I do some quick math for a second here — okay we’ve got 2019 minus twenty or so… carry the one… denominator… well, that puts us right into the late 1990s.
Which leads us to the most recent leak to come out of the NBA’s 2019-20 uniform collection, the return of the Utah Jazz’s (Jazzes? Jazzi?) purple gradient majesties of the late 1990s.

Via a series of leaks from both @RGiss11 and @JazzNationNews on Twitter (if someone else had it earlier, please let me know), we see that the old purple mountain uniform look is coming back as a “Classic Edition” option for the club this upcoming season as well as a retro court design to be used during these games.

Utah wore this polarizing set originally from 1996-97 until the league as a whole started moving away from the 90s in 2003-04; they accompanied the Jazz along the ride to their back-to-back trips to the NBA Finals in 1997 and 1998 and were worn by Basketball Hall of Famers Karl Malone and John Stockton.
The news of Utah’s 90s return follows the Memphis Grizzlies and their trip back to the mid-90s with their 1995-96 Vancouver Grizzlies teal uniform, sources tell SportsLogos.Net that there will be at least one more 90s uniform still to come for 2019-20. Can’t wait!