For exactly two months, beginning October 5 and culminating December 5, eight affiliated minor league baseball teams announced rebrands. The season of rebrands featured everything from teams merely updating an existing suite of logos to franchises changing cities and adopting entirely new identities. See below for our recap.

Fredericksburg Nationals (FredNats)
Date Unveiled: October 5, 2019
Designer: Studio Simon
Previous Name: Potomac Nationals
League: Carolina, High A
Our Coverage
The Story: The somewhat uninspired decision to maintain their parent club’s nickname in the wake of a move from Potomac to Fredericksburg was offset by a terrific suite of logos that incorporated both George and Mary Washington, an homage to the first first family, which lived on nearby Ferry Farm.

Kannapolis Cannon Ballers
Date Unveiled: October 23, 2019
Designer: Studio Simon
Previous Name: Kannapolis Intimidators
League: South Atlantic, Single-A
Our Coverage
The Story: The team needed a new brand because Intimidators was controlled in part by Dale Earnhardt’s estate. The new name incorporates the word “Cannon,” important because the town exists because of the historic Cannon Mills textile plant, but does so without specifically referencing the military weapon. Also important: The human cannon ball character has a Dale Earnhardt mustache.

Missoula PaddleHeads
Date Unveiled: November 4, 2019
Designer: Brandiose
Previous Name: Missoula Osprey
League: Pioneer, Rookie
Our Coverage
The Story: The team made the rare choice of ditching a hyper-local brand—osprey are so local there’s one that lives on a post at the stadium—in favor of one with a broader appeal. That said, the moose-themed brand was selected on a day when an actual moose walked through downtown Missoula.

Wichita Wind Surge
Date Unveiled: November 13, 2019
Designer: Todd Radom Design
Previous Name: New Orleans Baby Cakes
League: Pacific Coast, Triple-A
Our Coverage
The Story: The franchise, which for the past three seasons has been the poster child for wacky minor league brands as the New Orleans Baby Cakes, went a different direction with a more sophisticated brand. The identity is a tribute to Wichita’s reliance on wind in various forms, as well as its status as an up-and-coming city.

Danville Braves
Date Unveiled: November 22, 2019
Designer: In House
League: Appalachian, Rookie Advanced
Our Coverage
The Story: The D-Braves stayed true to their Braves brand, but updated a suite of logos that had been in use since 1993.

Worcester Red Sox (WooSox)
Date Unveiled: November 25, 2019
Designer: Brandiose
Previous Name: Pawtucket Red Sox (PawSox)
League: International, Triple-A
Our Coverage
The Story: Fans and media started calling the franchise the WooSox the moment it was announced that they would move 40 miles north to Worcester for the 2021 season, so the name was not much of a surprise. What was a surprise was the smiley face themed logo, an homage to Worcester’s own Harvey Ball, who invented the iconic image in 1963.

Fort Myers Mighty Mussels
Date Unveiled: December 3, 2019
Designer: Brandiose
Previous Name: Fort Myers Miracle
League: Florida State League, Class A Advanced
Our Coverage
The story: After 28 years playing with a name they brought with them from Miami, the franchise, under new ownership, adopted a new brand associated with local aquatic life, with a focus on fitness.

Norwich Sea Unicorns
Date Unveiled: December 5, 2019
Designer: Brandiose
Previous Name: Connecticut Tigers
League: New York-Penn, Short-Season Class A
Our Coverage
The Story: The franchise ditched their parent club’s brand in favor of a unique nickname. The Sea Unicorns’ brand taps into mythology surrounding narwhals, which have long been associated with legend and mythology.