The Class A Advanced Winston-Salem Dash have ditched their grimacing, speeding, cartoon baseball primary logo in favor of a rounded, classic-feeling WS. The unveiling of the new mark, which was created by the Winston-Salem-based design firm The Variable, was something of a surprise, as there had not been much fanfare leading up to it.

In going away from a cartoon-based logo, which the team had used since its inception in 2009, in favor of simpler interlocking letters, the team is bucking basically every trend in minor league baseball.
“As opposed to some of [Minor League Baseball’s] newer, cartoonish logos, we wanted a classic feel,” said Dash president C.J. Johnson, quoted in an article by Ben Hill on MiLB.com. “We felt that was the right route to go and we think they nailed it. A throwback, but with kind of a fresh look to it.”

In addition to having a classic feel, the new look is meant to evoke the Dash’s parent club, the Chicago White Sox. Purple remains one of the featured colors, but it moves from its primary status to more of support role.
The new logo will appear on three caps that the team unveiled today as well as uniforms that will be unveiled later this offseason.