Florence, South Carolina, has been home to a collegiate summer level Coastal Plain League team called the RedWolves for almost a quarter-century, but that changed this weekend when the team announced that it’s rebranding as the Florence Flamingos. The team made the unusual decision to switch to the new brand—which can best be described as VERY pink—immediately, playing their final game of the season in their new duds on Saturday.

“We are excited to usher in a new era of baseball in the city of Florence,” team president Cameron Kovach said. “Our new identity is electric. It is a combination of fun, different and unique…. Our organization is all about having fun at the ballpark and we are thrilled to have a name and logo that we can have a lot of fun with moving forward.”

The logo features a scowling, hot pink flamingo holding a baseball in its beak and a bat in its wing, standing in that iconic one-legged flamingo style, looking for all the world like a lawn ornament at a retirement community in inland Florida. A wordmark set in a Bauhaus-style sans serif completes the package.

The uniform set includes a pink jersey paired with pink pants, as well as all-black and all-white sets.
Several of the other 15 teams in the Coastal Plain League have made a splash with their brands in recent years, including the Savannah Bananas, Macon Bacon, and the singularly named Spartanburgers. The Flamingos’ new look precedes a new stadium for the team, which is under construction and will be ready for the 2022 season.