The National Hockey League has unveiled the logos its four divisions will be using for the upcoming 2022 NHL All-Star Game in Las Vegas, Nevada on February 5, 2022.
LINK: 2022 NHL All-Star Game logos
Each of the logos incorporates a black diamond with the division abbreviation across the front in white and gold trim, “DIVISION” is written below in gold and the Las Vegas star is added at the bottom in gold. The NHL’s shield logo is thrown in at the top left corner.

For the two Eastern Conference divisions (Atlantic and Metropolitan), there is a red inner line in the shape of a diamond added to the inside of the logo; the Western Conference divisions (Central and Pacific) have a lighter blue version of this same feature.
Here are each of the four division logos for the 2022 NHL All-Star Game:

These logos will NOT be worn on any uniform during the 2022 NHL All-Star Game, instead, they’ll be used by media and television networks to differentiate between the teams. All teams will wear a generic uniform design featuring an NHL shield, you can see those uniforms here.
While not often seen, the All-Star Game’s divisional logos are not new. The league has been creating special division-specific logos since the 2016 NHL All-Star Game in Nashville.

LINK: NHL All-Star Game logo history