The Double-A Corpus Christi Hooks unveiled an updated version of an alternate identity that pays tribute a famous aircraft carrier just off the city’s coast. Since 2018, the team has played several games a year as the Blue Ghosts, a nickname that refers to the USS Lexington, a WWII aircraft carrier-turned-museum that sits on the Corpus Christi Bay.

While the original Blue Ghosts logo (above) features the ship itself, the new logos unveiled today, created in house by Senior Manager of Creative Services Courtney Gatlin, have a different area of focus.
“This version definitely plays more to the aircraft side of the historical aircraft carrier as well as a high priority on attention to detail,” said Marketing Director Dustin Fishman. “From the waves in the ocean, planes on the ship, rope encircling the logo and the three-dimensional feel from the plane flying, there’s so much to love with this look.”

The nickname Blue Ghosts derives from the ship’s blueish color and the fact that it reappeared unharmed after being reported sunk by the Japanese. (The ship is actually the second USS Lexington—renamed as such after the original was sunk in the Coral Sea.)
“The Lexington is a staple of Corpus Christi,” Fishman said. “It preserves so much history and continues to educate its visitors, both young and old every year…. The name is a tribute to the ship, crew and air groups that served aboard her.”
The Blue Ghosts brand is one of a handful of alternates that the Hooks adopt throughout the year—in addition to the Honey Butter Chicken Biscuits and Dia de los Hooks—but this one has been particularly popular.
“This brand is amongst the favorites of our fans, team and our community,” Fishman said. “Blue Ghosts weekend is always special as the community packs Whataburger Field and our merch flies off the shelves.”
The team will trot out the new brand Memorial Day weekend.