Major League Baseball and New Era have unveiled the stars-and-stripes flavoured caps that players, managers, coaches, and umpires will wear on-field on Independence Day in the United States – July 4, 2023.
This year’s design gave clubs the option of going with a navy blue or red cap; 16 went blue, and 14 chose red. On the front of the cap is the team’s usual logo decorated with the American flag and trimmed in gold. On the right side is a pennant-shaped design which includes the location of the club at the top, followed by a series of stars, and finally “USA” in large letters below.
Take a look:

As you can see, the MLB logo on the back is also getting the flag-and-gold treatment; surprisingly, under visors are not getting any decoration (unlike the rest of the 2023 holiday cap series) and will remain plain grey.
The location names on the right side of the cap are almost always the team’s location name rather than the actual city in which they play (examples: the Colorado Rockies reads “COLORADO,” not “Denver,” and the Los Angeles Angels will wear “LOS ANGELES” rather than “Anaheim”) — an exception to this rule comes from the Minnesota Twins who will wear “TWIN CITIES” instead of “MINNESOTA.”

As always, the Canadian-based Toronto Blue Jays will wear a design slightly less U.S.-focused for the holiday. The Jays will take part with red caps and a gold-trimmed logo; the logo itself will not be decorated with the U.S. flag. The flag does make an appearance on the side of the cap, crossed with the Canadian flag and worn in place of the city design. The MLB logo on the back will contain the U.S. flag like the other clubs.
Let’s take a look at the entire league:

Unlike past years, the Fourth of July cap will not be worn throughout an entire weekend this season — we’ll only see these caps worn on the holiday itself, July 4, 2023.
SHOP: MLB 2023 Fourth of July caps are available right now!