The town of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, is called “Camel City” because since 1875 it has been home to the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, which produces Camel brand cigarettes. The town of Winston-Salem is also home to the collegiate summer level Carolina Disco Turkeys, who will put a new twist on the nickname Camel City when they play as the Camel City Humps on select Wednesdays—yes, hump days—this season.

The logo, which was created by illustrator Brittain Peck, features a single-humped dromedary throwing a baseball from a pitcher’s mound, with an anatomical detail that might look familiar to Disco Turkeys fans.
Per the team, “Locals will notice the camel’s hump also resembles Pilot Mountain, a familiar peak in the Winston-Salem area skyline.”

The unveiling of the Humps logo and uniforms comes just a few weeks after the team made a splash with its Yacht Rockers alternate brand, which was either a parody of or homage to Cleveland’s Chief Wahoo, depending on who you ask.
The Camel City Humps will take the field May 29 and July 17.