A few months ago, photographs of some purported new helmets for Wake Forest had made the rounds. People considered them to be fairly likely, and were proclaimed “legit.” Today, we see what the team will actually use.
This morning, Offensive Line Coach Jonathan Himebauch (@COACH_HIMEY ) tweeted pictures from the Wake facility, of their new helmets.
A white and a matte black helmet did in fact appear, but both have the traditional Wake WF in gold on the sides. No Deacon, no gloss black on flat.
But wait. The player’s right side looks to be the solid gold, but the photos form the other side show both the white and the mattre black to be a black WF outlined in gold. The pictures seem to be taken of the same manequins in the team meeting room. But those are certainly different WF treatment son each side.
Is this an indication that these are actually just “samples” contrary to what Coach Himebauch said in his tweets? Or will the Demon Deacons really go with “slightly” different art on each side?
The standard gloss black helmet seems to be consistent across sides.
The previously circulated photos of Wake helmets showed the Deacon and a gloss decal.

What do you think? Are these new ones legit? Will they have differing decals? Do you think thats a good idea?
Coach Himebauch had not replied to a a Twitter message for comment at press time.