Every year we gather the best in new sports logos, break them out into different categories and then present them to the masses in order to determine the logo that stands above them all.
And then we give that logo an award.
I call these awards the Creamer Awards. Why? Because I wanted to!
To be eligible for a 2020 Creamer Award, a logo must have made its in-game debut during the 2020 calendar year — this means it must have been first used in a game between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020, regardless of when the logo was actually unveiled.
This year is the ninth edition of the awards and we’ve been staggering the announcement of the finalists as well as the voting by category over several weeks. Last month, we held the voting for the best league logo of the year as well as the best supporting team logo of the year. Today we’re wrapping things up with our final category, the best new primary logo of the year. These are any logos that are officially classified as a team’s primary brand.
Below are the eight finalists for the best primary logo of the year, you can click on any of these for a closer look at the logo. You can cast your votes via the poll at the bottom of this post.
Choose your top two favourite logos of these eight finalists in the poll below, you can come back and vote once every 24 hours. Polls will close at 11:59 pm ET on Sunday, March 7, 2021.
[socialpoll id=”2729794″]
Thanks for helping decide the best new sports logos of 2020, this will be it for the voting portion of the awards, we’ll be announcing the winners of all three of these categories in a couple of weeks.
LINK: 2019 Creamer Awards Winners Announced