Football – Page 130 – SportsLogos.Net News

Are the Fighting Illini Looking at New Uniforms?

Rumors on the internet are like grains of sand on a beach, but when they have to do with sports uniforms, we track them down. There has been substantial buzz about the Illinois football team potentially having new uniforms in 2012 or possibly the year after.

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Tim Tebow Threatens Makers of “Jets-Jesus” Parody

New York’s newest quarterback Tim Tebow is threatening legal action against a website selling a parody New York Jets t-shirt. A Jets logo with “JESUS” instead of “JETS”, “MY” instead of “NY”, and a Jesus Fish in place of a football. The t-shirt itself contains no references to Tim Tebow

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Redskins Unveil 80th Anniversary Throwbacks

The Washington Redskins today unveiled their new alternate throwback jerseys for the upcoming 2012 National Football League season. Based off of the uniforms worn by the Redskins’ first season in Washington in 1937, the new uniforms are a part of the franchises 80th anniversary celebrations. They will be worn for

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Rutgers New Uniforms With Distressing – PICS

On May 1st, Rutgers University of New Jersey announced its new uniforms for the 2012 season.  Three separate sets of jerseys, pants, and helmets were shown in a press release. The hallmark of this new uniform is the new helmet. Moving away from their previous red helmet, they showed a

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The West’s Turn: New CFL Uniforms Take Flight

We at SportsLogos.Net, always working hard to bring you the best in uniform & logo news, are greatly excited about the CFL’s new uniforms. (Check out our post about the East uniforms here.) Today, we’re eagerly awaiting the unveiling of the Canadian Football League’s West Division team uniforms; as they

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Reebok Redesign: CFL introduces new uniforms

While the Canadian Football League prides itself on its’ distinctions from the NFL, some things naturally follow north; after the NFL’s recent rebrand, the CFL turned to Reebok, looking to follow suit. Much like when the kid down the block has some new duds, before long, other kids are beseeching

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