Football – Page 132 – SportsLogos.Net News

Ravens, 49ers Conference Champions Gear

  Congratulations to the New York Giants and the New England Patriots on winning their respective conference championships as the rest of North America looks forward to yet-another Boston-New York marquee matchup in the sports world… Anyways! As with every major championship we here at SportsLogos.Net take great pride in

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Logo Links: NCAA, Canada Day, Nike redesigning the NFL, Soccer, Rugby, Cricket oh my!

Good morning everyone!  Here’s what made news around the logo world in the last couple of days: Starting things off with the NCAA where the ASU Sun Devils showed off a picture of their new “bold” football jerseys, more emphasis on the pitchfork and a little more black. The Kentucky

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Logo Links: Bills Unis, NHL Alignment, ECHL, NBA

Goooood Monday morning everyone, here’s the this-and-that in the world of sports logos, etc. One of the worst kept secrets was unveiled on Friday as the Buffalo Bills showed off their new-old uniform design, as predicted waaaay back in February it’s a white helmet with the current logo, royal blue

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