SportsLogos.Net News – Page 514 – News and blog on new sports logos and uniforms, rumours, concepts, and history in baseball, basketball, hockey, football, soccer and NCAA at Chris Creamer's Sports Logos Page SportsLogos.Net

New Charlotte Hornets Logos Coming Next Weekend

The Charlotte Hornets return to the NBA will feel that much more closer to reality next weekend when the Charlotte Bobcats are expected to unveil the new logos they’ll use when they completely rebrand their team for next season. The new logo and jersey wordmark (not uniform) will be unveiled

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Banished Forever: A Brief History of Unlucky Uniforms

Unlucky uniforms. Yup, they exist… well, at least some players and team personnel think they exist. Enough to the point that several caps and jerseys have been scrapped simply because the players thought they were the sole reason for their poor performances. In my post this week over at

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Cincinnati Reds Unveil Camo, St Paddys Day, New BP Jerseys

The Cincinnati Reds unveiled three new uniforms for the 2014 season earlier tonight at their annual Redsfest fan event. First up was the new camouflage alternate uniform which, as we mentioned yesterday, would be worn six times during the 2014 season Seen below in this perspective-corrected photograph courtesy Twitter user

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New Logos for Appalachian State Mountaineers

The Appalachian State Mountaineers announced they were officially adopting a new set of logos starting yesterday via a press release on their athletics website. Gone is the radically-modern-by-comparison “Yosef Head” logo employed by the team since the 1999 season, in its place an older version of Yosef – used last

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