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Sweden Stands Firm, Stays Traditional with New Olympic Hockey Jersey

Nike tried to do their Nike thing but Sweden wasn’t having any part of it as the Swedish Ice Hockey Association unveiled their new team uniforms for the upcoming 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi earlier today. Yes, like every other country to participate in the Olympic hockey tournament, Sweden’s uniforms

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San Antonio Spurs are prepared if basketball turns into battle

  In what is intended as an honor to our troops, the San Antonio Spurs will be wearing a camofluage jersey and shorts for their game against the Washington Wizards on Nov 13th this year. The uniforms were released today on and at The jersey follows last year’s

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2013 LA Dodgers NL Phantom Champs Merchandise

Congrats to the St. Louis Cardinals for winning the National League pennant last night in a thrilling 9-0 victory over the Los Angeles Dodgers. Speaking of the Dodgers, they’ve been eliminated, and with that their National League championship merchandise has been thrown into the fires, or shipped off to third-world

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