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Team Canada 2014 Olympic Hockey Jersey Leaked?

All signs point to “yes” on the new 2014 Team Canada Olympic hockey jersey being leaked a little early, earlier today via a posting on the Getty Images website. Thanks to a post on Yahoo!’s PuckDaddy blog, we learn that the photograph of Jonathan Toews was taken earlier today during

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Ti-Cats Change Throwback Uniform Because of Argos Rivalry

The Hamilton Tiger-Cats will kinda honour a bit of their franchise history this Saturday afternoon when they wear the uniforms of the 1943 Hamilton Flying Wildcats against the BC Lions.  The Flying Wildcats won the Grey Cup in ’43 before changing their name to the Wildcats and eventually merging with

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Los Angeles Lakers to wear short-sleeved jerseys and black uniforms in 2013-14

As reported earlier this summer, the NBA & adidas announced that in addition to the Warriors keeping their sleeved jersey for the 2013-14 NBA season, up to five teams would also have sleeved jerseys. One of those teams was the Phoenix Suns. In addition, plenty of teams wore sleeved jerseys

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SF Giants Honour Boston With B Strong Patch

Last night, for their game against the Boston Red Sox, the San Francisco Giants took to the field wearing “B Strong” patches, the same the Red Sox have worn since late April, in memory of those affected by the Boston Marathon Bombing earlier this year. Bombing victim Aaron Hern, from

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