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ECHL Team Unveils “Greatest Jerseys in the World”

The Bakersfield Condors of the ECHL (Edmonton Oilers affiliate), most recently infamous for their on-ice promotion snafu which led to the visiting team being attacked by a real live condor just before puck drop, unveiled what they themselves are referring to as the “Greatest Jerseys in the World”. “We consider

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2014 MLB All-Star Game Logo Unveiled

The Minnesota Twins along with Major League Baseball today unveiled the logo for the 2014 MLB All-Star Game to be held on July 15, 2014 at Target Field in Minneapolis. According to the official release on The logo focuses on the structure of the ballpark within downtown Minneapolis, and

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Fresno State Bulldogs have a blackout uniform

Fresno State Bulldogs teased and finally released their black out uniforms for their November 2nd matchup with Nevada. The uniforms have black pants ans jersey, with red numbers outlined in silver, silver stripes under the arms and a very distinctive helmet. The helmet is a flat black, thought he flash

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2013 MLB Jersey Stats – Do Uniforms Affect Performance?

Have you ever thought to yourself, “it seems like those guys always lose when they wear that jersey”? Well, it turns out there may be some underlying truth to your sartorial assumption. Over the past three-and-a-half months we here at SportsLogos.Net have been tracking each and every cap, jersey, and pants combo worn by

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