SportsLogos.Net News – Page 529 – News and blog on new sports logos and uniforms, rumours, concepts, and history in baseball, basketball, hockey, football, soccer and NCAA at Chris Creamer's Sports Logos Page SportsLogos.Net

Blue Jays Explain Lack of Camo Cap on Memorial Day

On Memorial Day this season, Major League Baseball had produced special camouflage versions of every team cap and jersey for each club to wear to honour the memory of those who had served in the military. Every team wore the jerseys but the Canadian-based (and therefore, non-Memorial Day celebrating) Toronto Blue Jays opted

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Wake Forest Has Two New Helmets, But Not The Ones We Had Expected

A few months ago, photographs of some purported new helmets for Wake Forest had made the rounds. People considered them to be fairly likely, and were proclaimed “legit.” Today, we see what the team will actually use. This morning, Offensive Line Coach  Jonathan Himebauch (@COACH_HIMEY ) tweeted pictures from the Wake

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Indiana Football Announces New Helmet. Wait, FIVE New Helmets

Apparently  all uniform design these days is either boring or ugly. Well, at least according to the notoriously picky and overly-dramatic internet. Indiana football certainly chose their side of the decision by doing what comes all-too-naturally to colleges these days by pandering the to the tastes of 18-year-old recruits and

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2013 NBA Phantom Conference Champs Merchandise

It took me a few days to get around posting this, things have been crazy lately with the new baby and to be honest, I completely forgot about the end of the NBA Conference Finals. But as I was locating all the phantom gear for this year something struck me

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Variety of International Soccer Kit Unveils Offer Colorful Interludes

While North America’s May offers a relative void of new uniform unveils—we’ve already seen what NFL and MLB plan to offer and NBA, MLS and NHL are too busy playing games to give us anything new—we can turn to international soccer for some colorful interest. As teams finish up their

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