SportsLogos.Net News – Page 530 – News and blog on new sports logos and uniforms, rumours, concepts, and history in baseball, basketball, hockey, football, soccer and NCAA at Chris Creamer's Sports Logos Page SportsLogos.Net

Back to Green: Prince Albert Raiders Unveil New Look

The Western Hockey League’s Prince Albert Raiders unveiled their new logo and uniforms earlier today at a press event.  The new look re-introduces green as the primary team colour 17 years after it took a back seat to black for the upcoming 2013/14 WHL season. Replacing the pirate lookin’ fella with a

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The Whale Fails Again, Hartford Wolf Pack Returns

The Hartford-based American Hockey League team has decided to return to their roots and re-introduce a name with history and meaning to hockey fans in Connecticut. That introductory paragraph could have been written three years ago, could have been written today. A mere three seasons after ditching the Hartford Wolf

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Twins, Brewers go Reverse Jersey for 1948 Throwbacks

The Minnesota Twins and Milwaukee Brewers unveiled their Turn Back the Clock uniforms for their game at Target Field in Minneapolis on May 30th. Both teams are paying tribute to the American Association (Triple-A level) teams that called their regions home 65 years ago during the 1948 season. Despite being

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Arizona Wildcats Football Announce New Gradient-Crazy Football Unis

The University of Arizona Wildcats football team announced their new 2013 uniforms this week, complete with unique shoulder and number gradients. The Nike-designed uniforms come in a full compliment of school colors, with three jerseys, three pants, and four helmet colors. All jerseys feature not just shoulders but numbers with

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